Mondo Cool Cast 00006 MN12bird the Youtube reviewer

Posted by JerryTerrifying On Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1 comments

This week I have MN12Bird on the show. He's a popular youtube mega star!

I talk a bit about Policenauts and of course read some awesome e-mails from you the listeners!

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Chapter 06 Jerry Terrifying Reads Metal Gear Solid

Posted by JerryTerrifying On 1 comments

Chapter 06 of the Metal Gear Solid novel. It's awesome. Check it out.

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The construction right out my window that's making my house shake really makes it difficult to sleep. What a pain! It did force me to get up at the right time to work on my pokemon project. You see in Soul Silver there's this hideous fish pokemon that takes 8 days to evolve into a bad ass dragon pokemon. You have to get it a massage but the massage is only available from 3 to 4 pm. I think I need three or four more of those massages before my hideous fish monster blossoms into a beautiful dragon monster. Some of these pokemon evolutions are freakin complicated.

In other news I'm still working on Policenauts. I'm not completely caught up to where I left off the first time playing the game so I haven't really been sucked in. I was super absorbed into the plot the first go round but now that I'm just trying to catch back up it's going a little slow. I wasn't even that far into the game! I hope I get hooked on the game again after I catch back up and start making new progress. It is cool playing it on the Psone and the text is big enough to read clearly on that tiny little screen. Awesome!

I still need to pick up a ps1 mouse. I just wish I could afford one! I might go check Vac's n Videos and see if they've got one. I've been saying that for a week but I still haven't walked up there haha. I'll get around to it, I swear.

Mondo Cool Cast 00005 Critical Failure from TigerClaw TV

Posted by JerryTerrifying On Friday, May 14, 2010 1 comments

This week we talk to Critical Failure from

Check out his Youtube channel.

We talk about a video shit talking LukeMorse1. You can check that out here.

Music Used in Mondo Cool Cast 00005.

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Chapter 05 Jerry Terrifying Reads Metal Gear Solid

Posted by JerryTerrifying On 0 comments

The first four episodes of Jerry Terrifying Reads MGS were recorded in 2009 on my older, shittier mic and before I knew how to use audacity at all. Keep those things in mind with the first four episodes. Also I do an amazing job with all the voices, lololol.

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Chapter 04 Jerry Terrifying Reads Metal Gear Solid

Posted by JerryTerrifying On 0 comments

The first four episodes of Jerry Terrifying Reads MGS were recorded in 2009 on my older, shittier mic and before I knew how to use audacity at all. Keep those things in mind with the first four episodes. Also I do an amazing job with all the voices, lololol.

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Chapter 03 Jerry Terrifying Reads Metal Gear Solid

Posted by JerryTerrifying On 0 comments

The first four episodes of Jerry Terrifying Reads MGS were recorded in 2009 on my older, shittier mic and before I knew how to use audacity at all. Keep those things in mind with the first four episodes. Also I do an amazing job with all the voices, lololol.

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Chapter 02 Jerry Terrifying Reads Metal Gear Solid

Posted by JerryTerrifying On 0 comments

The first four episodes of Jerry Terrifying Reads MGS were recorded in 2009 on my older, shittier mic and before I knew how to use audacity at all. Keep those things in mind with the first four episodes. Also I do an amazing job with all the voices, lololol.

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Chapter 01 Jerry Terrifying Reads Metal Gear Solid

Posted by JerryTerrifying On 0 comments

Jerry Terrifying reads the novelization of Metal Gear Solid! I do plan on finishin the entire book as well as the second book. I haven't read ahead on my own so the first time I'm hearing this is while recording! So discover the MGS Novel with me!

The first four episodes of Jerry Terrifying Reads MGS were recorded in 2009 on my older, shittier mic and before I knew how to use audacity at all. Keep those things in mind with the first four episodes. Also I do an amazing job with all the voices, lololol.

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I finally got my Saturn Keyboard. I'm actually typing this post with it! Now that I have it I'll start working on my new version of the Netlink Video. I'll be showing actual Netlink matches for all four of the Netlink Games I own. I'll also be showing the Netlink hardware and explain all the ins and outs to get started Netlinking. It'll be nice having a new version of the video made with my newer way sweeter camera.