00014 The Cinema Snob

Posted by JerryTerrifying On Friday, September 17, 2010 7 comments

I talk a lot about Xbox 360's and my tirals and tirublations with getting free 360's by Frankensteining them together.

Then we have a long ass talk with Brad Jones the Cinema Snob!  Sweet!

As always I read you mail and comments! 

 Download.  Right Click, Save target As.


Anonymous said...

hellz yeah we have been waiting for this all week

s1500 said...

I like the intro of your show. It sounds like a talk show theme song from the late 80s/early 90s. You should say "..and comedian David Brenner!"

Critical Failure said...

A quote from AtariAge.com - "It's interesting that the Mondo Coolcast succeeds for the exact same reason the Nintendo Retrocast failed on: going off of tangents & off-topic discussion."

Balzak802 said...

I was listening to this podcast after finally getting my driver’s permit. Now I just need to wait 6 months until I can finally get my driver’s license. Anyways, your special guest was fun to listen to in this podcast and I was laughing when you guys were pissing on Twilight, with how you guys described how the main character in that movie series is just an anorexic skinny vegetarian school boy bitch that sparkles in the sun. Also it was funny how you just pointed out that there was a movie that involved a guy raping a piece of a tree. Never heard of that before but I did remember a tree raping someone. Anyways, I am finally all caught up with your podcast and now I can start asking you questions. My question to you is did you get the chance to watch Machete? To me, it was one of the greatest films that I have seen all year as of now but the only movies I saw this year were Toy Story 3, which was the best movie of the year to me just because it’s Toy Story and Dinner for Schmucks which was just horrible. However, Machete was one of the bloodiest movies I saw in a movie theater that was not a stupid Saw or Hostel movie and had a lot of the good old ultra violence. What really surprised me about the movie was that it was directed by the same guy who directed Spy Kids.

911bonez said...

It was great to finally make it to a live cast, I will be honest I actually had to listen to this twice. The first time, during the live cast I was too focused on the chat to actually listen to the cast much. But the second time I listened to it I took it on the go for the first time. And I enjoyed zoning out at work listening to this. Must have wasted 3 hours of my company's time when I did lol. Well cant wait for the next one, have a good one man!

s1500 said...

Critical: Yep, I was the one who said that(I think). Yeah, that had to have been me.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you say you were going to post the full version of this interview? Where's that?

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