Considered one of the greatest anime of all time, Kenbei, Team Rival and I together review this critically acclaimed anime. This is a review of strictly the series, and not the not movie. Even if you don't like anime, this is one to consider, trust me. This series is on netflix, but the DVDs only. The movie however is on instant.
Check out Kenbei and Team Rival's channels!
This is the first anime review I ever did, before I started calling it The Anime Room. In this video I talk about Claymore, if you need some reference, think of it as Berserk but with tits. This is a pretty sweet anime and is available through the Netflix Instant Stream, so check it out when you get the chance if you like seeing hot blond chicks slice up demons.
This is my review of MindJack.
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MindJack site
Tiger Claw TV takes on the popular indie game from Distractionware, VVVVVV.
This time in The Anime Room we tackle Fooly Cooly, one of the most insane and crazy anime ever made. Robots coming out of people's heads, guitars that can destroy giants.... yeah this show is nuts. Unfortunately you can't watch it on the Netflix Instant Stream, but Netflix does have the DVDs that you can rent.
My guest in this video is CrazyKenbei, check out his channel here:
With the big fuss Lords of Shadow made, lets take a step back and take a look at Circle of the Moon on the GBA, easily one of the best GBA games and a worthy addition to the Castlevania series.
This is my review of Rock Band 3. Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy! - Scott
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Rock Band 3 site
The Haupagge HD PVR cost around $200.00 but it's well worth the investment, the unit itself does all the rendering, so when you press stop after recording something that file is ready to be uploaded to your favorite video site. The unit can also be used on the MAC platform using different software freely available on the internet. I highly recommend this device for those you that want to record walk-throughs, or just want to make reviews for Youtube.
I became aware of this game yesterday while checking out Atlus' website. Looks like a really awesome game. Check out the excellent action at 0:33 - 0:36 that is some excellently graphic impaling.
The Cursed Crusade is being devloped by Kylotonn Entertainment and published by Atlus.
Here we have my video documented experiences with Pier Solar thus far... Please stay tuned for additional gameplay footage as well as a Full review. :)
if you want to buy the game click here

Here is a closer look at the insides of the Japanese Classic pack the day it arrived.
there was a slight interruption from a knock at the door sorry! Aside from the distraction I was completely impressed with the packaging and artwork.
This is a comparison video of the FM sound chip to the PCM enhanced audio cd
I've switched the enhanced music off and on at various parts of the game and find both forms quite charming and brilliantly composed.
A quick video to show the very basics of Menus Graphics, Animations and Battle System...
there will more videos to come and one will showcase the battle system in more depth and will include a unique aspect of Pier Solar's Battle System that was not in this video.
This is a review of the PC version of Oath in Fleghana, however the PC version and the newly released PSP versions are very similar so you can think of this review as covering the PSP version aswell.
It's time to go on a nostalgia trip. Gundam Wing is the anime that got alot of people into Gundam, and anime in general, but does it still hold up? Check out this addition to the The Anime Room to found out!
I've been planning this for a long time and have decided to act! Swiftly even! I've been hoarding original Xboxes and modifying them, upgrading their hard drives and installing tons of multi player games. Why do you ask? LAN Tournaments! I'm going to rent out some space and set up some TVs and some Xboxes and hold Xbox Tournaments.