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IMPORTANT NOTICE: When buying the PDF version keep in mind I'm fulfilling the orders by hand. It will be sent to the email address associated with the Paypal Account used to purchase it as soon as I see the order. So if you order it while I'm sleeping it might take a while to get to you. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.
In this preview issue of Mondo Cool Monthly the team takes a look at:
The JVC X'Eye
Hype's Bitter Taste
We review:
Psycho Soldier for the PSN
Spawn: In the Demon's Hand for the Dreamcast
^Part 3
Recorded live on Ustream April 19th 2012.
^Part 2
Easily one of the best anime I've seen in a VERY long time. Based on a PS2 Sega game, Gungrave has a dark and complex story that slowly grips you as you watch it. I reviewed this with my good friend MagusX1, be sure to check him out aswell.
Parts 1.1 to 1.4 were added: April 10th 2012
^Part 1.4
This week Shintai and Mitch help me go over the much less depressing news! Mondo Cool Monthly Issue Zero is now on sale! Listen to or download the show after the jump.
This was a hard one to review for many reasons, but I wanted to get my thoughts out on this one. It's hard to explain in a simple manner, so watch the video to find out folks.
This week it's just Mitch and myself going over some really bad news. Tons of it! Also Mondo Cool Monthly has officially been announced. Thanks to everyone that's bought a copy already! Issue One should prove to be much larger and and way more mondo cool! Listen or download after the jump!
Happy April Fools Day!
* username: mondocoolcast