Live! From the Terror Dome - Mondo Cool Cast 75

Posted by JerryTerrifying On Tuesday, June 5, 2012 1 comments

This weeks episode of Mondo Cool Cast is a casual one.  Listen as Mitch, Shintai and myself bullshit for a little while.  Good times are had and another episode of Cyril Reads Metal Gear is played.  Enjoy!
Check out, catch up, or take a look at the next episode of Cyril reads Metal Gear on Defunct Games.
Cyril Reads Metal Gear Chapters 1 and 2
Cyril reads Metal Gear Chapters 3 and 4
Cyril Reads Metal Gear Chapters 5 and 6
Cyril Reads Metal Gear Chapter 7
Cyril reads Metal Gear chapter 8 & 9

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British Steel said...

Pizza Hut is ass. Dominoes and Papa John's aren't really better. Local pizza joints FTW. That is all.

I agree in that I do not want to get into the next generation of games. I felt cheated with the PS3 compared to when I had the SNES, PS1, N64, and PS2. I think I'm just going to dust off my PS2 and just collect more and more games for it. I might buy a Vita, but right now I am burn out on video games. It was my favorite hobby for the longest time, but the PS3 and feeling bad for not having many games (or the money to buy them) and all the DLC bullshit has just...killed it for me.

I miss Midnight Run of Toonami, as well as the old Saturday night anime Adult Swim blocks which had great shows like Pilot Candidate, Inuyasha, Gundam, Trigun etc. Nobody ever agreed with me, but I loved Bebop for the first couple times they ran through it.

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