Due to the way Kindle works I can't offer this issue for free so it's marked at $0.99. However as always I recommend the PDF version as we're able to put more effort into it's appearance. I do know that there are people that prefer the Kindle version so it will always be available but sadly I can't have free give-aways.
Fresh Contents
Bro Ops: My best co op gaming moments
Training to reclaim the Ninja Golf High Score
Super Gameboy VS Super Gameboy 2
Empowerment and Disempowerment in Games
The Media Zone
Jerry’s Schwag Bag Mario Tennis Balls
Retrokaiser’s Media Pyramid
Japanese Anarchy Reigns Demo breakdown
Ketto Beast Wars for GBC
Sonic the Lost Worlds (Re-production cart)
Series Review: Capcom Robot Trilogy -
- Armored Warriors
- Cyberbots
- Tech Romancer
Dragon’s Lair 360
Mine Craft Xbox 360
Sega vintage collection 360 Monster World
Apollo Justice
On the Site
You guys may not know this, but I am a huge, and I mean, HUGE, Devil May Cry fanatic. I've played and beaten every game multiple times, even DMC2 and I hate that game. Anyways, this is a review of DMC4, a middle of the road entry in the series. It's got some glaring flaws but a worthy addition to the series regardless. Check it out fellas.
Playing the cool Genesis game Shadow Dancer.
Talking about Batman Arkham Asylum, Shank, Marvel Civil War and the new Hulk Series and more! download it here. (Right Click Save Target As.)
Talking aobut Marvel and DC's announcements on Comic-Con and a new console kickstarter project. Listen to it here.
Hanabee have announced another anime they have licensed, this time it is Dream Eater Merry!
Hanabee made the announcement during SMASH! Con earlier today. (Which was located in Sydney.)

When your own dreams are no longer a safe haven for your mind and they're no longer confined within your sleep, trouble can arise. For Yumeji Fujiwara his unique ability to predict and enter other peoples' dreams is causing him some trouble, as he finds himself the focus of an army of cats belonging to an ominous dream demon. But luck is at hand with one, Merry Nightmare, to the rescue!
Merry, a dream demon, has unseeingly crossed over from the dream world to reality with no memory of how and why. Coupled only with the knowledge that she wants to go back, Yumeji offers his aid to help return her home. However things just might not be all that easy when Merry is not the only demon to have crossed over with reality and nor do they have the best of intentions either."
This set will all 13 episodes and it is also slated to be released here in Australia on October 3rd for the price of $49.95AU.
Australians rejoice! Hanabee Entertainment has announced their first licensed anime release, the anime is going to be Toradora.
"Beware: Tiger ahead. Tread cautiously.
Tigers are fierce creatures and Taiga Aisaka is no exception. Coupled with a short temper , a height complex and a mean right hook., Taiga, nicknamed the Palmtop Tiger, is not someone to be messed with. Despite his less than stellar start, for one, Ryuji Takasu, handling such creatures will need to be his forte, when the one he has as a classmate is also his neighbour. But all isn't that bad when ot just might be that looks and first impressions can be deceptive and nothing is as it seems. Just like Ryuji, the school's delinquent, may simply be a gentle guy at heart; Taiga might also sport a softer side under her harsh exterior.
...Suddenly tigers might not be all that fierce as Ryuji feared."
Volume 1(Episodes 1 - 13) of the show will be released here in Australia October 3rd and will retail at $49.95AU. You can bet on seeing a review in a future issue of Mondo Cool Monthly.(Most likely in issue 7.)
Hanabee Entertainment Website: http://www.hanabee.com.au/
Talking about Dark Knight Rises, Shintais new Podcast, and the top ten Superheromovies without Superheroes... Download here
Avengers VS Justice League, who will win?