Cowboy Bebop Remastered Sessions Collection One is the high definition (1080p) re-release of the show Cowboy Bebop. The show itself is about a guy who is ex-mafia named Spike Spiegel and his partner Jet Black who is an ex-cop and they live with each other on a big old spaceship called "The Bebop". The two make a living by being bounty hunters and catch criminals for reward money but they always find themselves in much bigger situations that get them into all-sorts of crazy trouble. Some examples include: Chasing down environmental terrorist, chasing down what they think is a contaminated rat, Spike fighting old friends from his mafia days, Jet catching up with old friends from his days as a police officer, and Spike teaching a stranger martial-arts. Later on they are joined up with a Welsh Corgi named Ein, femme-fatal Faye Valentine, and genius computer hacker Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV... or Edward for short. So strap yourselves in space cowboys, it's going to be a wild ride full of sex, drugs, rock 'n roll (or Jazz rather), and a whole load of bad-ass action. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).