This movie is by most far the most insane that the franchise has to offer and a lot of stuff happens. I had to be a bit picky in how I was going to describe this film due to not wanting to spoil some of what happens as I want you to be surprised as this movie has to be seen to be believed. The human characters in this film are very interesting and really entertaining although they did take up a bit too much of the screen time to the point where it felt like that the humans were supposed to be it's own separate film but added the Godzilla brand to help it sell. Not to say that these characters are unimportant to the movie as they do really help make this film great. I really like the villain in this movie as he reminds me a lot like me if I were to be a bad guy as he is just plain crazy and charming. The selection of monsters in this film is huge ranging from monsters such as (excluding Godzilla) Mothera, King Cesar, Son of Godzilla, Zilla (from the 1998 Godzilla film), and many more that will get you very excited.
The action is really great from both monsters and humans and they both have completely different styles during their respective fight scenes. Human fight scenes are very martial art heavy and have a ton of very crazy flying effects that strongly resembles the fights out of The Matrix (1999) and the Dragonball franchise. Monster action is strictly no-holds barred brawling and there is no mercy to be shown from any of them and they do get very creative with some of the violence. One thing that felt really awkward with this film is during the battle with Godzilla and Zilla is that you hear the Sum 41 song "We're All To Blame" play for no reason and it is also badly edited in like if it were a YouTube video done by a sixteen year old.
Special effects are really grand with great looking explosions and very gigantic looking sets. Costumes look great with some nicely done military outfits that just make me want to go out and find some to dance around town in. One minor annoyance is they really overuse leather costumes to the point where I expect Godzilla to pop out with a leather mask and a ball gag battling Mothera with a whip while handcuffed to the Empire State Building. The monster effect is a mixture of rubber puppetry and computer generated models. The computer generated models are used quite cleverly especially with Zilla and blends in with the movie well minus one scene with the mothership as the computer model it uses hasn't aged very well. All the rubber costumes and puppets all have that charm you all know and love and look great. This film also mixes in stock footage from old films and I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't seen the films they took the footage from as they blend it in nearly perfectly.
The special features are just as awesome as the movie. You get profiles on all the monsters, some very nice trailers, and the best one of them all is you get around twenty minutes of behind the scene footage of them working with the suits and puppets and it will blow all of your minds. Overall this was a great Godzilla film and was a great way to close off the millennium series. Go out and get your friends and watch this film as soon as you can as it is very much worth it. Great viewing.

Director: Ryuhei Kitamura
Starring: Godzilla, Son of Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, Gigan, Hedorah, Kaiser Ghidorah, Anguirus, Ebirah, Monster X, King Caesar, Zilla, Manda, Kumonga, Kamacuras, Varan, Gaira, Baragon, Gezora, Titanosaurus, Mechagodzilla, Megaguirus,
Genre: Action, Science Fiction, Martial Arts
Running Time: 125 minutes
Distributor: Madman Entertainment/ Eastern Eye (
Rating: M15+ (Mild violence, Infrequent mild coarse language)
Price: $39.95 (as part of the "Godzilla - Millennium Series" box set)
Recommended: Yes
Godzilla Week 2013 Epilogue
Well that wraps up a whole week of nothing but (crudely done) Godzilla reviews. I had fun writing them and even more fun watching them. All the movies I reviewed was from the one box set titled "Godzilla - Millennium Series" and overall it is a very solid box set and was well worth my time. I will most defiantly be doing this again next year and the year after that as there is so much that this series has to offer. Big thank you to all that read all those reviews and a big thanks to Gaming Beast for contributing to this and helping to fill in that one blank day so this could be a full week of content. Another thank you for putting up with this rambling paragraph and you can all keep an eye out for the next (and final) themed week of the year where I review all the movies in the Lone Wolf and Cub series... Plus the dubbed film Shogun Assassin. From the bottom of my heart I thank you all (for the hundredth time) and have a safe one. Kaiser out!
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