Live! From the Terror Dome - Mondo Cool Cast 99

Posted by JerryTerrifying On Thursday, April 17, 2014 5 comments

Mondo Cool Cast returns to the live format.  Now on Sundays!  Shintai and TheDevilBurning discuss video games with me.  You guys that only download the show missed some good after hours.
Played GZ

-Main mission 1 hour.

-After some time I warmed up to it and will buy it.

-Watch my review.

-Watch Shintais disucssion with me about MGSGZV

-Challenge Accepted.

Lets get 150 likes on the MCC page!
PS4 VR Head set

Nintendo Web Frame work.  HTML5, Javascript and CSS for Wii U.  Make developing shit easy.  kek

Facebook buys occulus rift for $2 Billion.  This was a kick starter did the backers get anything?  LOL.  Kike starter.

Silly bandz.  $1.

Hyper Dragon Ball Z.  Heavily modded Mugen.  Thanks Dan.

Fixed my internets.  Live shows returning soon?  Testing has been done.

DX12 improves xboner?

Updated Pokerap

Started Stick of Truth

Escape from XP.  Browser game marking death of Windows XP.  Has BSoD

Walls Fall out video


Tell me about them gundam audio errors you shit


Jack Ford
Another good episode, didn't see this in my facebook feed or I would have checked it out sooner.
Hopefully we don't have to wait another 3 months for the next episode. Hope you sort your car Jerry.
Would enjoy another episode, more guests, more stories etc

Check out Mondo Cool on Facebook
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Download.  Right Click, Save Target As.


Shintai said...

It's good to be back

DeathAdder83 said...

I can't think up a good question, but I really hope The Mondo Cool Cast becomes a regular live event once again, bi-weekly at the least. Congrats on 100 fucking episodes! Alright what the hell, here is a question, what is your favorite dinosaur, ice cream flavor, and Street Fighter character, GO!

mechaMenace said...

I missed seeing the podcasts when they were posted. I think it was in mcc 98, but you mentioned the Retronauts podcast. I wanted to enjoy a game podcast with retro focus and maybe somewhat entertaining hosts, but those guys really kill the air with their condescending attitudes towards much of the geek culture and I find that many times there will be one guy who says something is stupid and everyone will just go along with it. It drives me nuts that they are such San Francisco hipster pussies.

Now for my question: do you know any good retro-gaming podcasts? I listen to Retro Rejects as well.

The Devil Burning said...

Glad you enjoy our show mecha


Retrokaiser said...

Congrats on 100 motherfucking babygrilled secret enemy in jokes insanity motherfucking crazy motherfucking episodes. Motherfucker!

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