"Bakuman: Season One Collection" is an animated drama series about an ordinary middle school student named Moritaka Mashiro and yes I do really mean "ordinary high school student" for once (because you know... Anime tends to say that they are ordinary students but they are really anything but). This series starts with Mashiro as a young boy watching the first episode of an anime that was adapted from his uncle manga. Years have passed and Mashiro is a very smart teenager in middle school and is working his way into a very nice high school all while thinking of a way to tell his middle school crush that he likes her. One day after school he goes back into his class to retrieve a book that he left behind only to run into another student named Akito Takagi.
Takagi asks Mashiro if he would join up with him to work on a manga series as he wants to get a printed in a magazine but he doesn't have an artist to draw them. The reason why Takagi wants to team up with Mashiro is due to watching him draw in his school book and likes his art and he also wants to help Mashiro reach out to the girl that he has a crush on. Mashiro isn't a fan of the idea at first but he soon decides to take up on his offer. Later that night Takagi takes Mashiro to Miho Azuki's house (the girl that Mashiro has a crush on) and tells her the news only for Mashiro to propose to her out of sheer nervousness and what's worse is that she says yes... But only on one condition and that is that their manga must have an anime based on it so that she can voice act in it. Now Mashiro and Takagi are working together to come up with a new manga in hopes of it getting picked up by "Shonen Jack" (A parody title of "Shonen Jump"). (Click "Read More" to read the full review).