"Hentai Kamen" is an action comedy taking the piss out of both American and Japanese comic book/manga stereotypes. The film is about a high school student name Kyosuke who is a bit of a wimp and gets beaten up while trying to save people who are in danger. On one fine day at school his class gets a new transfer student named Aiko and Kyosuke instantly falls in love with her. Later that day he goes to karate class and leaves to see that there is a gang at his school taking hostages with one of them being Aiko. Kyosuke sneaks in trying to pass off as an goon but gets spotted and after one lucky hit he grabs a disguise... Well at least he thought it was a disguise but it turns out to be a pair of female underwear. Kyosuke becomes nervous at first as he thinks that everybody will think that he is perverted but then out of nowhere he feels a tingle in his body that makes him feel good and then he transforms into a scantly clad superhero by the name of Pervert Mask (AKA Hentai Kamen). Pervert Mask then proceeds to take out the gang the only way he knows how to... By beating them all up with his balls of steel and yes I do mean his testicles. Now Pervert Mask is a hero to all but there is an legion of evil that is trying to nuder his reputation. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
The story in this film was very lewd, crude, and pure f*****g brilliant and I like how they made fun of American comics with Hentai Kamen's justice being based on Spiderman and Batman and how they also made fun of Japanese comics/manga with the over the top pervertedness that can be found in many manga. Action is this film is very balls to the walls (no pun intended) crazy and it was really fun to watch due to how weird and over the top it gets. Most of the comedy in this film revolves around the action and it worked very well although I was worried that the whole "I beat you with my balls" gimmick was going to get old fast but it didn't end up like that and it was funny every single time and even on repeat viewings. For all of the comedy found outside the battles you'll find it to be also funny but in a very different way. The humor was very charming which is the pure opposite of the crude dirty humor of the action scenes and it was very nice that they mixed it up.
Like in all superhero films you will find drama and it parodies the drama found in superhero movies well as it is melodramatic for no good reason and I found that to be funny as a lot of superhero flicks are annoyingly over dramatic. They also like to parody scenes found in other superhero films like the "Spiderman no more" scene from "Spiderman 2 (2004)", the hostage scene from "Robocop (1987)", and the "Poison Ivy and Robin" scene from "Batman and Robin (1997)" minus that stupid "rubber lips" part. The costumes in this film looked very cheap but rather than look bad it ended up working really well with the silly tone of the film and ended up being very charming.
Characters in this film were very well done and you'll find yourself really caring for them and giving them your support. The bad guys in this film were really funny and were more making fun of villains found in "Shonen" styled shows rather than American styled comic book villains. Some of the villains were also quite menacing and it made for some very intense scenes and even though the characters are very over the top you'll also find yourself taking them very seriously which I did not expect at all. There isn't much nudity in this film as all you see are a few butt shots from both men and women although the men bare a lot of cheek and nipples that added some cheek to the comedy.
One problem I have with this film is that some scenes were a little too slow for my liking and could've been edited down a little. Another complaint is that the computer animation looks very odd to where it sticks out like a sore thumb and especially towards the end as you do see some very ugly computer generated models. The humor in this film isn't for everyone as it may be a bit too "in your face" and I mean that both literally and metaphorically and it is also very racy and it amazes me that this got away with an M15+ rating as it does push the boundaries a little.
Title: Hentai Kamen
Directed by: Yuichi Fukuda
Starring: Ryohei Suzuki, Fumika Shimizu
Genre: Comedy, Action
Running Time: 101 minutes
Distributor: www.madman.com.au
Rating: M15+ (Sexual references, crude humor, violence)
Price: $29.95
Recommended: Yes
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