After a year of hiatus, Monday Night Morrowind returns for at the very least a three week run. Enjoy!
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The final episode of the epic quest for the crown. Who will reign supreme?
The Evil Dead Anthology is an humongous collection that includes all of the films from the classic horror series, The Evil Dead, all on blu-ray disc. By all films I mean that this set includes: The Evil Dead (1981), Evil Dead 2 (1987), Army of Darkness (1992), and even includes the 2013 remake of the original film. You'd think that this set ends with the films, right? Well that's not all, this set also comes with a documentary film titled Invaluable (2014) and two more bonus discs that are full of exotic special features and are all holstered in a replica of the Necronomicon itself. Is this set the most definitive way to enjoy this series? Or will this end up being too good to be true? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
Watch the construction and completion of the 10 dollar a week computer I have affectionately come to call "The Panzer"
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Ookibloks is an action puzzle game where you play as a cute little monkey trying to get back all of his bananas and save the island from evil. Defeating each of the evil bosses will earn you a special stone that you must return to a giant stone monkey god and the more stones you return, the more levels you get. The way you have to beat the game is by bouncing off the walls and try to get all the banana blocks before the timer runs out, if you run out of time then the evil Devil Cat will be after you. It's not just the Devil Cat you must worry about, you also have to deal with killer crabs, snappy sharks, and other horrors found on the island. Are you brave enough to defeat evil and get back all your bananas in this off the wall game? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
Breakout Invaders is an arcade style paddle game that combines ideas from classic games, Break-Out (1976) and Space Invaders (1978) and combines the ideas into a game where you are battling aliens with a ball and paddle. That's right, you are taking the role of a paddle that must save Earth from legions of invaders from space in one-hundred balls to the walls levels. Yep, a very simple concept that can be summed up in a few short words but will it be a tasteful tribute to the past? Or should they have gone for a game where you are battling blocks with a spaceship instead? Either way, it'd be very interesting to see how this one turns out. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
Ben 10 Game Generator 5D is an overhead puzzle game that has you playing as Ben Tennyson from the Ben 10 animated series. The goal of the game is to get to the exit but there are puzzles and obstacles blocking your way from doing so, you'll have to use your brain to get past them. Ben also has the ability to transform into different aliens (yes, just like in the show) and you'll need to turn into a certain form for if you need to cross a certain terrain such as: Fire, Water, and to push against conveyor belts. This game sounds very simple and a bit on the boring side but hold that thought, this game might surprise you. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
I review Batman V Superman, right after watching it.
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I play some Gradius on the Nes and enter CF's weekly highscore challenge with 44700.
This week on Tiger Claw Radio, A very very brief discussion on the Ghostbusters trailer everyone is talking about, the results of the Spy Hunter challenge from last week, and awesome video game music. Thanks for hanging out with us!
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This is the final battle to determine who will be the champion of Doom Night 8!
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WE ARE DOOMED is an action packed twin stick space shooter with a very loud name that hurts my ears every time I read it. In this game you take control of a spaceship-alien-germ looking thingy (I can't tell what it is) flying through a space, blasting away though waves upon waves of bizarre looking aliens. Very simple concept that sounds like that it comes straight from a classic game found at your local arcade back in the 1980s. The concept sounds really promising because I just happen to like classic arcade games with simple concepts ("Retro" is in my name after all). Will this game live up to my expectations or will it be so bad that it'll leave me saying, "WE ARE DOOMED!"? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
Bubsy Two-Fur is a compilation that includes the first two Bubsy games, Bubsy In Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (1993) (better known as Bubsy 1) and Bubsy 2 (1994). Bubsy is 2D platformer that has you playing as Bubsy the Bobcat. Bubsy has to stop the evil yarn aliens from taking over the planet, so he must traverse though extreme terrains such as: The desert, the carnival, green hills, all the way up to space. Bubsy 2 has you battling the evil yarn aliens once again but in much more challenging and much more diverse levels. He sure is a Bobcat with an attitude and some nostalgia appeal due to these being re-releases of old games but do these games still hold up today? What could possibly go wrong? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds is not only the third Pixel Puzzle game in the series with the first being Pixel Puzzles: Japan (2014), the second being a zombie themed action puzzle spin-off title called Pixel Puzzles: Undeadz (2014). This new game also marks the start of the second series of Pixel Puzzle games and what on Earth is this game all about? This game has you putting together digital jigsaw puzzles that are all themed after birds, a type of animal that can be very pretty to look at and also one of nature's most tasty of creatures. The concept is very simple and straightforward but will there anything wrong with this game to where it makes this game fall into pieces (pun intended). (Click "Read More" to read the full review and find out).
Arctic Adventure is a 2D platformer that has Nevada Smith from Pharaoh's Tomb (1990)* make his return in this adventurous sequel. Our hero has gotten great praise for his finds in Egypt and now a month later we see that our hero is after something new, a great Viking boat that is full of great Viking treasure. Our hero studies for even more months and just happens to find a clue in an old skull. The clue was for that of a map that can lead him to that treasure but sadly he needs to find more of the map. Long story short, our hero must go to the Arctic and explore the caves in hopes of finding pieces of a map that will lead him to the Viking gold. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
Karate Master 2: Knock Down Blow is an arcade styled sports game that has you playing as martial arts enthusiast, Ken. Ken has just got his black belt in karate, that doesn't mean that his journey has ended, it has only just barely gotten started. In this sequel we see Ken is not only on the road to become a great warrior, he is also on the road to earn enough money and reputation so that he can open up his own dojo and train the next generation of karate champions. In order to do so, he must do some hardcore training, fight in tournaments, defeat all of the other dojos in town, drive a forklift, and even defeat a bull for if he wants to complete his goal. All this game needs is a cheesy training montage theme. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
I review the horror themed arcade only beatemup "Night Slashers" from Data East. Get ready for some Monster stumping!
The Hurricane of Varstray -Collateral Hazard- certainly sounds like one hell of a storm but it is actually a vertical scrolling shoot 'em up set in space. This game has you playing as a squadron of female pilots that are on a mission to fly to the enemies base and take them out with a direct assault. The problem with this mission is that the trip is very long and is filled with enemy ships that'll do anything to stop you from accomplishing your mission. Do you have what it takes to traverse though the hellish battle zone in space and survive this suicide mission? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
The Next Tournament continues! Darabka the Gaming Beast faces off against Michael Smith famous for Michael's Retro Game Reviews! Who will win?
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Kaiser becomes a trolling wizard, and Swingle is assasinating left and right.
Bonnie's Kids is an action drama about two girls, Ellie and Myra, they live with their step-dad due to their mother passing away. During one dark night we have their step-dad playing poker with his dirty minded friends that want to have their way with his step-daughters and when they leave we then see the step-dad trying to have his own way with Myra. It's not all bad for Myra as Ellie comes to the rescue just in time, shoots and kills her dirty old step-daddy with a shotgun, now the two girls are living with their rich uncle in Texas in hopes of a good life. Sadly, the good life can't last forever as the two girls find themselves in trouble yet again as one gets involved with a hunky man, the other gets involved with their uncle's very sexy wife. Oh how will this turn out for Bonnie's kids? (Click on "Read More" to read full review).
The old Cartoon Blob from the origins of Tiger Claw TV returns for a look at my favorite rom hack.
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Camera Obscura is a puzzling platformer game where you play as a female photographer that has decided to explore an old tower full of mystery and great dangers. This old tower is also in complete ruins, the tower is full of pits and platforms that make the tower darn near impossible to explore. Our heroine of this game has found a way to travel the tower as she has a magic camera that has the ability to capture an image of nearly any platform found in the game. Once you have captured an image you are free to move the image around for a short amount of time. What you can do with the image is incredible, you can use the photographs to make all of the platforms you need to traverse deeper into the tower. Finally, we get to see a product of media that uses selfies in a way that's not pointless, annoying, or Kardashian... Or will it? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
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Barbarian Brawl is a third-person online deathmatch combat game that has you playing one of six barbarians in an act of mortal combat. You will battle across a single battlefield full of traps, power-ups, meat, and a purple haze (hearing that makes me want to play my Jimi Hendrix albums) and the battle won't end until a warrior wins by gaining the most amount of kills. Characters you'll be playing in this game includes: Baabaar, the classic muscle bound warrior. Crazy Eyes, a crazy looking bugger that runs around wearing animal skin. Buttercup, the buxom beauty that will have all the guys go crazy. Bryn Hildr, a woman that's fat but far from being lazy and she won't stop until she sings (hooray for bad puns). Mr. Rotten, another crazy bugger that lives up to his name. Lastly we have Klondike, a glutton for food, punishment, and raising hell. This game certainly has a basic concept but will it be too basic to enjoy? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition (a very clever pun on HD edition) is an action platforming puzzle game (that's some combination) that has you playing as a hot, hotshot police officer named Patrica Wagon. Patricia Wagon is on the job to go out and capture a bunch of hot criminals named the Hooligan Sisters as they have escaped from a police van that was taking them to prison. To arrest these criminals, Patricia Wagon must travel across levels that are full of block puzzles and these puzzles will require you to use your brain to figure out how to get to the criminals, all while trying to beat the levels in a fast time. Hot girls, hot action, hot puzzles, all in one hot platformer? This game must be too good to be true... Right? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).
Me and Swingle play Alien Breed Impact. Good times are ahead.
N2O (AKA N2O: Nitrous Oxide) is a Tempest-esk styled shmup (shoot 'em up) that has you playing as a lone space pilot that's on a mission to save the universe. What is he/she/other (could be a robot or an alien) saving the universe from? Well, the pilot is trying to save the universe from a giant alien that is filled with a legion of killer space bugs. The way the pilot must save the universe is by flying inside of the giant alien, blow it up from the inside and wipe out any space bug that they see. Does humanity even stand a chance? Well, that'll depend on your skills but the real question is that is this game any good? (Click on "Read More" to read the full review).